What Should You Do Between Skin Care Treatments?
Skin Care Between Treatments
Let’s strengthen your skin together.
If you can afford to spend hundreds on skin care products, then I am all for it. But I understand that not everyone has the means to do so. Here are some recommendations for after you leave the salon until you see me again.
In a perfect world, everyone would follow this routine (not easy and a little time-consuming, I get it!):
Morning: Cleanse, Hydrating Toner, Vitamin C (protect), Peptide/Vitamin A (build), Moisturize, Sunblock
Evening: Remove Make-Up/Cleanse, Nutrient Toner, Plant Stem Cell/Retinol, Night Moisturizer, Eye Cream
If the above process isn’t attainable (and believe me it’s not for a lot of my clients) and you want to spend 2 minutes on your skin care regime, I recommend the following:
Morning: Cleanse, Specialized Serum (e.g. Vitamin C), Moisturizer with a SPF
Evening: Remove Make-up, Moisturize
Always take off your make-up before bed
Hydrate! It sounds cliche, but drinking water is essential to maintaining beautiful skin
Put sunblock on your face every morning. Make it part of your morning routine. I recommend an oil-free product like EltaMD - you won’t even know it’s on!
I can’t stress the importance of home care during treatments. If you are following a regime at home, I get more results when you’re with me as your skin is prepped and ready to go. Remember - together we are strengthening your skin. You have 60 days to condition your skin until the next time you come see me!
I am a licensed esthetician. I have extensive experience in skin care, but my opinions on this site should not take the place of your doctor’s, your dermatologist’s, or any other health care professional that you work with. You should always check with your doctor first.